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So what IS fitness training?

Fitness Training is worded as - 'exercise undertaken to improve or maintain one's physical fitness and health.'

Fitness training is a structured activity designed to promote health. There are many definitions of what constitutes health, but weight, strength, and endurance for one's age, build, and gender are commonly the major area's addressed in fitness training. When combined with dieting and other activities, this kind of exercise can improve overall health. Fitness training often consists of aerobic exercisestrength training, and stretching. Most people approach fitness training with specific goals in mind, such as weight loss or increased strength, and therefore create training plans that work more toward these goals than others.


One of the most asked questions is, “Online Fitness? Does that work?”  Yes it does work.  For many of us, the difficult part of making lifestyle changes is in the very beginning. Trying to set goals and put an action plan into place to reach them can be very challenging. A fitness plan is no different. It may be difficult to imagine what the changes look and feel like, and figuring out what steps to take can be challenging. Michael, your online coach will jump start your fitness plan, and provide the constant motivation you want! Fitness doesn't have to be high Cardio-respiratory Fitness, or pump, fitness training comes in differing area's.  


Resistance training involves challenging your muscles to work against an external force in order to improve endurance, increase muscle mass, and improve strength. It is imperative to include resistance training in your workout plan because strong muscles make strong tendons, which make strong and dense bones. This in turn reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
After age 20, adults lose 3 - 5 kilo's of muscle every decade. Resistance training will help stop this loss of muscle and rebuild the muscle at any age!

Muscle is active tissue, so you must use it or you will lose it. Having strong, toned muscles improves your ability to perform everyday activities, including getting in and out of the bathtub and carrying grocery bags.

Flexibility is the range of motion around a joint. It is the cornerstone of your workout program because your muscles move only as far as your flexibility allows. Tight joints restrict range of motion, causing you to compensate the movement by using other muscles. This can cause muscle imbalances that affect posture, performance, and movement efficiency. Loss of flexibility can also lead to lost independence; for example, you can no longer bend to clip your toenails or reach the high shelf in your kitchen. Incorporating flexibility into your workout (at any age) can improve posture and make movement more efficient.

Balance is the ability to control your body’s position in space. It involves preconception, which is how your body takes the information it receives from the environment (such as getting up from a chair) and sends this information to the brain. This information tells the muscles what to do so they can adapt to the change and you keep your balance. When this system gets overloaded, you lose your balance. Whether you are standing still (static balance) or moving (dynamic balance), your body continually makes adjustments to keep you from falling. Although you may think that having good balance is important only for gymnasts or figure skaters, regular balance training improves posture and coordination, enhances movement and performance, and helps prevent injuries and falls.

Core muscles are responsible for extending, flexing, and rotating your trunk. These consist of many layers of muscle that will determine your posture. Strengthening and conditioning these muscles reduce the chances of back pain and spinal injuries, improve performance, and result in better coordination and balance. Therefore, all exercise programs should consist of a solid foundation of core work.

This   Course is unique - you get  it all totally Online, in the privacy of your home.    Nobody looking at the 'newbee'.         

Previously described as a ''package'', the 3 being  

1. a book, 2. a DVD and  3.  your Private Trainer.

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