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About - weight management


No strenuous aerobic workout's. No sweating and torturing yourself.

The greatest exercise to control and manage your weight is Strength Training. Strength Training ,correct strength training, helps everything, from mitochondrial density and orthopaedic stability to metabolic health and glucose disposal.


You don't have to run that 5 km every day to control your weight.

Why just reducing calories won't work


There are availble numerous 'diets' claiming Weight Management results. Very strong long-term data indicates that calorie restriction doesn't work. Yes, people will lose weight initially, but the body quickly adapts to the decreased number of calories and either plateaus or very quickly returns to its former weight when the former lifestyle diet is reintroduced.

The reason for this is that you have programmed a set point into your fat storage system.

The existence of a set point is demonstrated by the fact that nobody, balloons to 300 kg's or shrinks to 65 kg's. There are people who eat 4500 calories a day without gaining any fat. By the quality and quantity of what you have eaten (assuming no thyroid or related problems), you have programmed yourself to be 150 kgs. overweight. Temporary reduction in size is possible, of course, but the body will try to return to that set point.

People who have lost and regained 40 kgs multiple times are not uncommon. The inescapable reality is that the body will ultimately defeat anything that makes it feel as if it is starving. Don't rely on calorie counting or restriction, instead change your set point.

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15 to 30 minutes a day to achieve that Weight Form. A correct, true lifestyle of Weight Management - a realist Program of a PROVEN formula. The correct nutrition, correct exercise, correct teachings.

No B.S. just honest facts.  

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